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Accelerating DevOps with AI by Modern Requirements

A Roadmap to AI DevOps at Info-Tech LIVE 2023

In a post-ChatGPT world, staying ahead of the curve through speed and accuracy is imperative. At LIVE 2023, an IT and Technology Leadership Conference hosted by the Info-Tech Research Group, Modern Requirements was invited to present a captivating session on Day 2. Their presentation was titled “Accelerating DevOps with AI: A Roadmap for Success.” The conference centered on the theme of “Exponential IT” and featured the ‘Godfather of AI”, Geoffrey Hinton as a keynote speaker.

 Chief Technologist and CEO, Asif Sharif and VP of Sales, Shihan Fernando presented their vision of AI DevOps as a catalyst for exponential productivity and unparalleled innovation. The governing thesis of their presentation was “time is our ultimate currency.”

The session began with a staggering statistic: 40% of DevOps teams already use integrated artificial intelligence for IT operations. From there, the presentation dissected various avenues where teams can incorporate AI for time savings and exponential productivity, both in programming and in no-code solutions.

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The Microsoft Factor

Graphic of Microsoft and Modern Requirements' deep collaboration on AI transformation.
Modern Requirements continues to be Microsoft's "go-to" requirements partner through the AI Transformation Partner program.

The presenters shared that Microsoft recently recognized Modern Requirements as an AI Transformation Partner at the Microsoft Inspire Conference 2023. It is a continuation of Microsoft’s groundbreaking case study on Modern Requirements, exploring their AI integration with Microsoft Azure DevOps and Azure OpenAI Service.

The case study highlighted unprecedented efficiency, strategic transformation, and exponential change with AI-driven workflow automation attributed to the prowess of the AI integration tool developed by Modern Requirements.

This continuous collaboration with Microsoft positions Modern Requirements as the “go-to partner for requirements management.”

AI in DevOps Opportunities

The AI DevOps opportunities that Sharif outlined in the presentation fell into three categories:

Requirements Management: Among the earliest steps in DevOps process is requirements management I.e., the gathering, tracing, and prioritization of work items for a particular project. AI can help teams increase their productivity and save time through automated elicitation, traceability, analysis, summarization, translation, and more.

Programming: ChatGPT and other generative AI tools can massively boost productivity and save time through code generation, code reviews, and automated testing.

No Code: This is a developing paradigm of application development that eliminates the need to write code to build applications. No-code artificial intelligence tools can enable non-programmers like business analysts and designers to create applications through drag-and-drop interfaces. This saves months of time and lots of money companies may lose acquiring external tools or developing code internally.

Tree diagram of AI opportunities in DevOps, including requirements management, programming, and no-code tools.
AI in DevOps provides exponential benefits and saves company time.

Enhancing Requirements Management with Copilot4DevOps

The presentation delved into using AI in DevOps to create and curate project requirements to save time and increase productivity. Asif Sharif introduced Copilot4DevOps, an innovative and practical AI requirements management assistant to ease the challenging task of requirement elicitation, generation, and more. Its enumerated abilities include:

  • Recommending Requirements and Test Cases
  • Making Smart Suggestions to Summarize and Elaborate
  • Eliminating Human Errors with Automated Quality Check
  • Converting Requirements to Use Case, User Story, and Gherkin Format
  • Paraphrasing, Reframing, and Translating Requirements

Sharing the example of an insurance company, Asif explained how the productivity of business analysts improved by eliciting requirements to overcome writer’s block. Later, testers started to create test cases.

Problem and solution showing the benefits of AI requirements management deployed in an insurance company.
Copilot4DevOps rapidly increases the productivity of BAs, QAs, developers, and project managers.

Developers interacted with a bot, swiftly identifying risks and compliance factors, thereby enhancing requirement quality. Additionally, AI-driven analysis conducted a thorough quality check, reducing errors and boosting efficiency.

The net effect of this is that AI in DevOps makes employees happier and more productive.

GitHub Copilot: Revolutionizing Coding Practices

The presentation also highlighted real-world benefits of GitHub Copilot, an AI pair programmer that gives developers autocomplete-style suggestions to save time and increase productivity. By combining GitHub’s traditional strengths of collaborative code hosting, version control, and seamless integrations with the power of ChatGPT, Sharif showed how teams can save time and increase productivity through:

  • Code generation
  • Code reviews
  • Smart suggestions/Code assistance
  • Automated deployment and testing
  • CI/CD pipeline optimization

CEO Asif Sharif presented the example of Indra, an Air Traffic Control company which adopted GitHub Copilot to boost productivity.

They tested GitHub Copilot on a non-confidential Java codebase to determine whether it could boost developer productivity and happiness, while improving code quality.

Problem, solution, and benefits for an air traffic control system company represented graphically.
Github Copilot applied to a non-confidential database eliminated repetitive work.

The results spoke volumes: 55% faster coding, 75% more fulfilled tasks, and a remarkable 46% increase in overall code written. These benefits spoke to how the savings in time and increases in productivity tied into the thesis of the presentation and conference and how AI in DevOps may work in other industries like defense, automotive, and more.

Empowering Citizen Developers with Codeless ONE

Traditional development methods often face challenges due to the shortage of skilled developers. CEO Asif Sharif also took the opportunity to introduce Codeless ONE, an innovative AI-powered instant no-code app development platform championing development by “citizen developers.”

Codeless ONE empowers individuals to iterate from idea to reality in minutes saving up to $50,000, which is typically what it takes to develop an application from scratch. This is a massive saving in both time and productivity and helps companies gain efficiency through:

  • Internal business process automation
  • Rapid prototyping
  • Cost-effective development
  • Empower non-technical users to build applications
  • No-code integration
Graphic with feedback, sales management, demo/training, and trial icons and their development using Codeless One.
A single Business Analyst can develop a super app in a fraction of the time of a developer using Codeless One.

The platform operates on an object-based system. The citizen developer describes the solution they need in plain text. The system then generates objects, defines an information model, and creates a usable UI. It then constructs an app in seconds, complete with a compliant design and an integrated database.

AI DevOps is the Future

The presentation emphasized that AI in DevOps is not just a trend, but a necessity for modern development processes. By integrating practical AI tools likeCopilot4DevOps, GitHub Copilot and Codeless ONE, businesses can achieve remarkable efficiency, reduce errors, and accelerate project delivery. The session concluded by inviting attendees to explore the AI solutions further through a demo or free trial.

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