Using the Email Monitor Feature

The Email Monitor, a feature in MR Services, provides access to your project through a medium that does not exist in Azure DevOps. That is, it allows you to communicate with your project via email.

Using the Custom ID Feature

The intent of Custom ID, a feature in MR Services, is to make a requirement ID more readable and descriptive. The Custom ID property offers an easy method of identifying all the necessary information of a given Work Item all within one field.

Extra Features of Diagrams

We cover how you can turn your Diagram, and its requirements, into a great looking report, as well as how to turn your Diagram into a multi-level Diagram that you can drill down into. 

Adding Work Items to Diagrams

This tutorial covers how you can add requirements to a Diagram to complete that central source of truth. All of the requirements you create in your Diagram, whether automatically or manually, will show up everywhere in your project. Give it a try!